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Interactive Cities – A conversation with Daniela Patti

What is the local challenge when implementing digital governance tools?
Daniela Patti, Interactive Cities Network’s Lead Expert, answered to this and other questions to introduce us the work that has been done with the Interactive Cities Network.
Interactive Cities’ final Conference in Genoa 11-13 April. 2018

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Wikitoki – Sharing non-monetary resources

Wikitoki is a laboratory of co-creation and collaborative practices in Bilbao. Wikitoki experiments with new models of production and organisation giving an important role to non-monetary kinds of capital, such as time, knowledge, networks or contacts.

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Goteo – Crowdsourcing community resources

Goteo is a platform for civil crowdfunding founded by Platoniq, a Catalan association of culture producers and software developers. Goteo helps citizen initiatives and social, cultural, technological projects that produce open source results and community benefits, in crowdfunding and crowdsourcing resources. Goteo’s crowdfunding campaigns have mobilised more than 90,000 people, collecting over 4,5 million euros. Goteo also helps initiatives gather non-monetary contributions and establish partnerships that can advance their work.

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Interactive Cities – Opportunities and threats of digital tools

Eddy Adams is the Thematic Pole Manager (TPM) for URBACT with responsibility for Social Innovation and Human Capital. In this video he explains his point of view about new challenges and opportunities by working with digital tools.
Interactive Cities’ final Conference in Genoa 11-13 April. 2018

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Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas – Mapping and co-producing citizen initiatives

Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas is a platform to support citizen projects in Madrid. Initiated by the architecture office Estudio SIC, the platform maps and brings together citizen initiatives that shape the city’s various neighbourhoods. Based on this mapping process and the related research, VIC teamed up with the Madrid Municipality and 6 more partners and made a successful bid in the European Union’s Urban Innovative Actions competition with the Mares Madrid project.

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LaFabrika detodalavida – Revitalising a rural area

LaFabrika detodalavida is a multifunctional community centre set up in an abandoned industrial space in Extremadura in Spain, that offers a series of local services to its rural community, such as cultural events, music, construction spaces and most importantly gathering venues.

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LaFabrika detodalavida – Revitalising a rural area

LaFabrika detodalavida is a multifunctional community centre set up in an abandoned industrial space in Extremadura in Spain, that offers a series of local services to its rural community, such as cultural events, music, construction spaces and most importantly gathering venues.

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