What is the Magazine about?
Cooperative City Magazine brings its readers the stories of collaborative urban development processes in different areas in Europe.
It is a project run by Eutropian, a company and association developing collaborative planning processes in various cities in Europe.
Gdańsk Participatory Budget: a model for enhancing civic engagement
The Gdansk participatory budgeting initiative, inaugurated in 2011, exemplifies a transformative approach to civic participation in urban development. This program allocates a specific
Gdańsk Participatory Budget: a model for enhancing civic engagement
The Gdansk participatory budgeting initiative, inaugurated in 2011, exemplifies a transformative approach to civic participation in urban development. This program allocates a specific portion of the city’s annual budget, approximately 1% or around $1.5 million (6 million PLN), for projects directly chosen by its residents. The process involves several stages,
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Citizens’ participation and co-creation experiences in environmental issues
Over the past years an increasing attention towards environmental justice is gaining more public attention through media, activism and civic participation. The PUJ project in
The case against owning: sharing equipment at the Fritidsbanken leisure library
We all have used book libraries but what about a leisure library that allows you to try new sports by sharing outdoor equipment that you
Laboratori di Quartiere Bologna: Co-designing city policies through neighbourhood labs
The Laboratori di Quartiere (Neighbourhood labs) is a shared governance model promoted by the Municipality of Bologna, with the coordination of Fondazione Innovazione Urbana and
Building new communities through culture and technology: the case of Budapest’s Bartók Cultural Quarter
In the Bartók Cultural Quarter of Budapest’s Újbuda district – characterised by universities, cultural institutions, art galleries, tech companies, and restaurants – an important experimental
What kinds of financial support and solidarity structures are needed to help community-led development projects flourish?
How to make digital interaction more engaging and fun? We explore the use of digital games to experience and design your city.
Urban commons
How can urban commons strengthen communities and help face the upcoming social and economic challenges? Produced in cooperation with the gE.Co project.
Manifesto to Action
We advocate for existing knowledge, policy recommendations and financial resources to be geared towards the strengthening of social and solidarity economy practices throughout Europe.
Solidarity City Vienna
Solidarity City Vienna is a platform of Cooperative City. It promotes and strengthens social and solidarity economy practices, mapping 12 initiatives that focus on social inclusion, fair employment, participation, sustainable food systems, ethical consumption and responsible tourism.
magdas HOTEL: Changing the world while sleeping
This retro-style hotel next to the famous Prater park is the first hotel in Austria that is run as a social business. It is dedicated to the integration of people with a refugee background and helping them overcome barriers at the job market.
Bikes and Rails: Co-housing with solidarity and an environmental mission
Self-managed and affordable, ecological and inclusive, Bikes and Rails' concept provides for buying houses collectively through private financing, freeing them from the market in the long term and thus securing affordable housing.
Zukunftshof: An agricultural city laboratory at the edge of Vienna
A former farm at the southern edge of Vienna’s Favoriten district, Zukunftshof brings innovative urban agriculture, water management and sustainable energy production closer to the people, integrating old traditions and former residents in new urban developments