Search Results for: social

Social Cohesion Component of Strategy 21

This MOOC has been designed to adapt to your needs: be it a training session, a consultation, a self-evaluation or a one-on-one coaching session. The course is based on 10 modules. Each module contains a specially designed video, based on the teacher’s draft, explaining the basic content, and composed of photos, collected video elements and/or animations; a detailed brochure supporting the video/module, including links to relevant publications and websites to facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject; quizzes for self-evaluation.

This document is Module 2 – Social Cohesion Component of Strategy 21 of the MOOC, composed by Levente Polyák, based on Eutropian’s work and Cooperative City’s network of good practices. The rest of the course can be explored here.  with guidelines for the self-evaluation of practices here.

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Coop57 – Financing projects in the social and solidarity economy

Coop57 is a cooperative with the objective of financing projects in the social and solidarity economy. It was created in Barcelona in 1995 from a compensation fund that former employees of the publishing house Bruguera received when the company went bankrupt. Coop57 acts as a financial intermediary: it collects savings from citizens and channels them into social economy initiatives that promote employment, solidarity and sustainability.

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L’Alveare – Co-working as social service

L’Alveare​ is a co-working space in Rome that integrates a kindergarten, in order to allow parents, especially women, to return to their freelancing work with small children. In 2013 their project was awarded by Italia Camp​ and Unicredit as well as the Coopstartup​ that allowed them to transform the organisation into a working cooperative. The co-working and kindergarten, operating in a municipality-owned space, also accommodates lectures, trainings and workshops.

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Politiche Perle Comunita’ Educanti

Rigenerare e ripensare le periferie della Penisola con un progetto per i giovani che vivono in quartieri periferici. Luoghi difficili e molte volte con una incapacità di inclusione sociale, innovazione e sostenibilità. Il progetto Periphery organizing – Daje un po’ incentrato su tre aree difficili del territorio capitolino attraverso un percorso di conoscenza, ascolto e attività ha avviato relazioni ed azioni in cui si sono messi al centro i rapporti umani e l’interesse comune di riqualificare alcune aree e una rigenerazione sociale.

Il progetto con l’obiettivo di formare una comunità educante che sostenga i giovani nel partecipare alla vita pubblica e nel contribuire allo sviluppo socio-economico dei loro contesti di riferimento (Tor San Lorenzo, Tor Bella Monaca e Corviale) ha reso i giovani protagonisti del contrasto alla povertà educativa e quindi insegnargli a chiedere quello di cui hanno bisogno c’è bisogno di una comunità educante che sappia accogliere, comprendere e sostenere le loro istanze.

Le attività del progetto riguardano le seguenti macro aree: educare la comunità educante alla partecipazione; educare i giovani a sviluppare le proprie idee ed alla partecipazione; creare un reale scambio di metodologie tra i partner di progetto; creare policies innovative per lo sviluppo delle periferie, con focus all’inclusione dei giovani.

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Cooperative City Budapest

A Non-Profit Ltd Cooperative City Non-Profit Ltd is a research, policy and advocacy organisation helping civic involvement in urban transformation processes. Events Projects About Cooperative

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Solidarity City Videos

What is Solidarity City Solidarity City is a media project of Cooperative City Magazine to promote and strengthen social and solidarity economy practices throughout Europe.

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Sex and the City

Sex & the City, a gender perspective on urban space is a research project that gathers missing yet much needed data on how different genders

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About Solidarity City

Solidarity City is a media project of Cooperative City Magazine to promote and strengthen social and solidarity economy practices throughout Europe. Taking Vienna as its

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