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The fight for hope: How Quarticciolo’s boxing gym is empowering youth

The 15-minute city at night: towards a holistic urban vision

Reviving the Donaukanal: Transforming Public Space Through Urban Swimming

Wide space: Fighting for a vision of solidarity in Quarticciolo, Rome

Civocracy: Revolutionising Digital Civic Engagement in Europe

Shaping spaces of sociability: Social infrastructure and the gentle transformation of Budapest’s Népszínház Street

Reviving Newcastle’s Past: The Story of the Disused Keelmen’s Hospital

The story of the Star and Shadow Cinema in Newcastle

Nature and the city: How Văcărești Urban Park supports biodiversity with urban life in Bucharest
Young People for Resilient Communities (YoReC)

Placemaking’s Dilemma: Creating Connections or Widening Gaps?

Jardins do Bombarda: From a former psychiatric hospital to a cultural and social venue

Fighting Energy Poverty: Solidarity Energy Community in East Naples

The social costs of energy transition and the opportunities of energy communities

Gdańsk Participatory Budgeting: a model for enhancing civic engagement

Citizens’ participation and co-creation experiences in environmental issues

The case against owning: sharing equipment at the Fritidsbanken leisure library

Laboratori di Quartiere Bologna: Co-designing city policies through neighbourhood labs

Building new communities through culture and technology: the case of Budapest’s Bartók Cultural Quarter

Helsinki Youth Council: Amplifying young voices in local governance

Democratic Innovation Workshop in Budapest: Focus on Inclusion

Barcelona’s Citizen Climate Assembly: civic engagement in decision-making

Barcelona’s pioneering efforts in fostering a sustainable and healthy food system

Yourspace.Sutton community garden: Championing social inclusion

Resistant and resilient: perspectives for independent culture in Hungary

Urban Lab Torino: making sense of urban processes

Measuring social return: The case of the community centre Can Battló

New book: Open Heritage. Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice

Inclusion as urban strategy: the innovation trajectory of Gdańsk

No single recipe to revive markets

Spores Home – A self-sustaining co-living space that is a second home

Rome’s interconnected, holistic and circular food policy

Szeszgyár: An ecofeminist, queer community garden in the centre of Budapest

Overcoming isolation: Multigenerational and multicultural co-housing in Sweden

From initiatives to synergies: Mapping Újbuda’s cultural scene

Toplocentrala: from vacant industrial space to arts laboratory

So Stay: Poland’s first socially responsible hotel

Climate adaptation through participation: urban approaches from Vienna

neoom: app-based support for energy communities in Austria

Free Riga: A platform for temporary use

Reclaiming public space through tactical urbanism: Milan’s Piazze Aperte programme

Vienna’s Wohnpartner: Overcoming conflicts in social housing

Inclusion Potentials of Co-Housing – A look at OASE.inklusiv

Vibrant streets make cities better: nine stories from Thriving Street

The Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava: The Slovak capital’s urban think-and-do-tank

Thriving Streets: a journey through the cities innovating mobility and public spaces for all

Planning a new cultural venue: Connecting to Újbuda’s existing institutional tissue

Solidarity Everyday – A space for social initiatives inside the European Solidarity Centre

Learning from each other: the possibilities of transferability

Turin’s Tavolo Tecnico: Inter-departmental cooperation for the commons

Participatory governance mechanisms of a social-cultural centre in Dubrovnik

Asset of Community Value legislation on paper vs. reality: A community perspective from Brighton & Hove

Hallo: Going beyond real estate speculation to create community spaces in Hamburg

Planning a new cultural venue: Exploring the needs of the local cultural ecosystem

FABER Timisoara: A refurbished industrial site to boost the socio-creative scene

Precariousness, double standards and racism in housing refugees

Social housing with self-determination: Wiener Wohnen’s quest to involve tenants in decision-making

CUP4Creativity: Can culture become the protagonist of social cohesion in Újbuda?

The Ute Bock Association: Building on a legacy of inclusion

Chikù: A Romani-Italian restaurant in Naples run by women

Ois In An: Social and ecological sustainability all-in-one

KAŅIERIS: Riga’s Youth Centre for realising ideas

Rewarding green actions: a digital platform for citizen engagement in Prato

VinziRast: Volunteer-based support hub

Brunnenpassage: Activism and art strengthen each other

Bikes and Rails: Co-housing with solidarity and an environmental mission

The Wiener Tafel: Building bridges between abundance and need

Superar: Overcoming barriers through music education

Zukunftshof: An agricultural city laboratory at the edge of Vienna

magdas HOTEL: Changing the world while sleeping

Augustine newspaper: The social conscience of the city

Nut & Feder: Joining forces through carpentry

Der Wiener Deewan: Solidarity is not a one-way street

Reprogramming Barcelona: Towards a new paradigm of public space

Sex and the City

A residence for emergency housing and impact tourism in Turin: Luoghi Comuni

Gradual space: Room for Diversity in the Future of Urban Public Spaces

Alternatív kultúra, közösségi terek, civil infrastruktúra

PlaceCity participatory interventions with students for better school spaces

Gender equal cities: How to improve women’s experiences in public spaces?

Public procurement with social impact

Neighbourhood Mothers – from the target group to actor

The promotion of the commons in Naples: from self-organisation to co-governance

Mobilising local resources: The Val di Noto Community Foundation

Gólya: collective ownership in a self-organised social and cultural centre

The story of the Lazareti Heritage Complex

Confiscated spaces as a common resource

Strengthening local cultural scenes: The Local Operators’ Platform

Kultura Nova: Supporting networks in the field of culture

Festival as exploration: Super Festival in Milan

Citizen Innovation Maps – Visualising relevant communities as a tool to link us with our natural allies

Mapping the Darsena: In search of visions, lost and found

New Book: The Power of Civic Ecosystems

Joe Driscoll: From activist to city legislator

Redefining Post-Coronavirus Travel: Does Barcelona Hold the Key?

Gamification and new scenarios for digital participation: tools and methods

Towards a More Social Europe: Inclusion and innovation in three UIA projects

Reclaiming non-places in winter: what placemaking can do for us during a pandemic

Urban lessons learnt from the pandemic

ExRotaprint: From industrial production to collective urban development

Medialab Prado: a hub for social innovation

Busy as bees: A rooftop garden and a dynamic community hub for social integration – BeeOzanam in Turin

Färgfabriken: From producing paint to producing culture

Užupis Republic: A self-governing micronation in the Lithuanian capital

London Community Land Trust: Creating communities through affordable housing

Stará Tržnica: Breathing life into an old market hall

Collaborative housing: innovation in community engagement, social inclusion and participatory design

Building community and culture in Warsaw’s urban village – Exploring Open Jazdow

Co-Housing students and homeless people – VinziRast in Vienna

Peter Weiss Haus: a literary centre in Rostock

From ACTive NGOs to solidarity networks: civic ecosystems during and after COVID-19

Expert Perspectives on Urban Resilience in the Face of Pandemics

Cooperative City in Quarantine: Connecting local initiatives during the COVID-19 crisis


Cooperative City in Quarantine #14: Manifesto – Planning post-Covid cities

Creating Soil from urban waste – experience of Maribor

Cooperative City in Quarantine #13: Social Inclusion

Cooperative City in Quarantine #12: Community Spaces

Cooperative City in Quarantine #11: Public Life


Cooperative City in Quarantine #9: Refugees










Cooperative City in Quarantine #14: Manifesto – PROGETTARE CITTA’ POST-COVID – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #13: INCLUSIONE SOCIALE – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #12: CENTRI DI COMUNITA’ – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #11: VITA PUBBLICA – IT

Coopearative City in Quarantine #10: MOBILITA’ – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #9: RIFUGIATI – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #8: EDUCAZIONE – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #7: LAVORO – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #6: BENI COMUNI – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #5: TURISMO- IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #4: SPAZI DI COMUNITA’- IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #3: CULTURA– IT

Cascina Roccafranca – The Public-Civic Governance of Space

Cooperative City in Quarantine #2: CIBO – IT

Cooperative City in Quarantine #1: INTRO – IT

Nova Cvernovka: a creative and cultural centre breathing new life into an abandoned school complex

Uno spazio di comunità pazzesco – Ex OPG di Napoli

Co-Hab Athens: changing the ownership paradigm in Athens

Exploring FRIEDA 23: a media and arts space in the city centre of Rostock

Revolutionary social centre in an occupied prison – Ex OPG in Naples

Agri-urbanism with social integration in Paris – Ferme du Rail

Protecting common assets from privatisation: Poveglia per Tutti in Venice

The Art of Traveling Light: Tourism with a Positive Impact

Cascina Roccafranca: The journey from farmhouse to community centre

The Bip/Zip strategy – empowering local communities in priority districts of Lisbon

Polis Athens: citizen-led urban regeneration through pop-up activities

Welcommon Hostel: sustainable tourism and social-cultural activities for the promotion of social innovation

Tackling urban poverty in Bari

HALLO: going beyond real estate speculation to create community spaces in Hamburg

Largo Residências: Transforming a community through responsible tourism

Masia Can Calopa: Cooperative Vineyard Plantation in Catalonia

Social Solidarity Economy in Barcelona: The Ecos Cooperative

Fusolab Roma: Regenerating the periphery through education

Ecomuseo Casilino: an open-air museum in the Eastern periphery of Rome

Gólya: cooperative management in Budapest

Fostering community cooperation through a multifunctional private space: the case of Via Baltea in Torino

Variante Bunker: temporary use of a land in between vacancy and master-planning in Torino

Mindspace: A consultancy for urban regeneration in Budapest

A Város Mindenkié: resisting homelessness and housing crisis in Hungary

Deviszont Közösségi Tér: a new community space for teenagers in the periphery of Budapest

ShareTown: digital technology as a tool to envision cooperation between citizens and government

Dynamo Velostation: making urban cycling easier for commuters in Bologna

Mercato Sonato: a hub for music and arts in a former market hall

Urban redevelopment at the neighbourhood scale: the case of Bagni Pubblici di via Agliè 9 in Torino

Kilowatt: Remodeling work through social environmental innovation

Affordable space for artists – Berlin’s Studio Commissioner

Spazio 13 – School revitalisation for social inclusion

Cozinha Popular da Mouraria – A Social Kitchen for neighbourhood inclusion

The power of co-creation in redesigning Valencia’s waterfront

Das Packhaus – a start-up community in a temporary-use project

Fragnebenan – empowering neighbourhood life with a local social network.

Digital media for relational urban governance

There’s more to Digital Democracy than just a tweet

How to strengthen the position of cities in the digital domain? Amsterdam’s ecosystem of cooperation

NORDBAHNHALLE – Promoting mixed-use affordable spaces in Vienna

NEST Ghent – Creating a momentum through temporary use

De Pastory: Community services built on temporary use

Il mercato è un incubatore di imprese giovanili – YOUNG MARKET LAB

Il Mercato Lorenteggio – Accompagnamento culturale dal basso nel quartiere

Cycling for alternative systems – The Cargonomia experiment in Budapest

La Food Policy di Milano – Come le politiche pubbliche incidono sul sistema alimentare della città

Interactive Cities – A conversation with Daniela Patti

WASTED – How to create local welfare from waste management

Ökokauf in Vienna – Procurement for sourcing ecological food

La Cuciria – A circular economy-based sewing workshop

TERRITORIALISING EUROPEAN DEBATE – Preparing for the 2019 EU elections and the post-2020 funding strategy

Caught between the public and the private: urban cooperative solutions in Central Europe


Szatyorbolt – Buy and consume local

Plateau Urbain – Temporary use for new ecosystems of work

PIGS, from crisis to self-organisation

Toolbox Torino – Spaces for work, made of community and stimuli

MAR Movilidad – Mobility initiatives for a new economic ecosystem

Toestand – Temporary use for mixing communities

Járókelő – A platform for street maintenance

Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy

The Welcome Class – Language learning for social integration

ZOHO – Development with a hundred investors

Jurányi Incubator House – A home for performance arts

Paralelní Polis – Virtual economy for community spaces

Complementary currencies for a commons-based economy

La Cooperativa Coraggio – Le terre pubbliche come opportunità per i giovani agricoltori

Public policies in support of civic initiatives

Laituri Helsinki – An urban laboratory to make strategies alive

Regulating the Urban Commons – What we can learn from Italian experiences

Il programma Bip/Zip Lotta alla povertà nei quartieri prioritari di Lisbona

Foundations for affordable space – a Swiss case study

Community Land Trusts – A model to secure community access to land

Stad in de Maak – From crisis to a shared ownership model

Locality – Supporting self-organisation in local communities

Regulating crowdfunding – International resources for local communities?

Shuffle Festival – Crowdfunding for legitimacy

Spacehive – Crowdfunding for local projects

Brickstarter – Crowdfunding for urban services

De Besturing – From tenancy to collective ownership

Community Land Trust Bruxelles – Enabling low-income homeownership

A bundle of rights and obligations: Privately Owned Public Spaces

Granby Four Streets CLT – From demolition to regeneration

Stiftung Edith Maryon – Buildings for socially relevant uses

Exploring property: Perspectives of ownership

Homebaked – Anchoring the community through small businesses

Funding the Cooperative City book presentations!

New institutions and cooperative finance in times of austerity

MADRID AGROCOMPOSTA – Turning waste into resource

Coop57 – Financing projects in the social and solidarity economy

Rákóczi Collective – Alternatives to individual homeownership

SANNAS – Creating a local network of cooperation among various enterprises

Lessons from community-led housing for city-makers across Europe

Goteo – Crowdsourcing for open communities

Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas – Mapping and co-producing citizen initiatives

Tartu’s new masterplan – A platform for ideas by citizens

MÜSZI – Public functions in private spaces

Coop57 – Financing projects in the social and solidarity economy

Bottega Artistico Musicale – Public-civic cooperation for independent culture

La Cuciria – A circular economy-based sewing workshop

The Peissnitzhaus – Renovation with community shares

Stiftung Trias – Taking properties out of the speculation market

Casa Netural – New economy for a small town

Largo Residências – urban regeneration through local jobs